Von: Steven Case
Citing Thomas Hobbes this is a near miss. We are seeing here Leviathan at work. Who elected them? Who controls them? What is their accountability? And most importanly: Who benefits from their actions?...
View ArticleVon: Jessica Lourdes Pearson
1) Who elected them? -National governments that are themselves elected by parliaments that are (suprise!) elected by you and me. 2) Who controls them? -It is a widespread consensus that central banks...
View ArticleVon: Steven Case
A true EU gospel, I suppose? 1.) So who were his competitors in his election. There were none? Got the message. 2.) Your consensus is somewhat broken with the ECB not only financing bankrupt...
View ArticleVon: Jessica Lourdes Pearson
So you basically just don’t like Mr Draghi. Got the message.
View ArticleVon: Steven Case
“So you basically just don’t like Mr Draghi.” Got the message completely wrong. I don’t like systems that put more and more power into ever fewer hands.
View ArticleVon: Jessica Lourdes Pearson
…and for that reason you certainly protested loudly against the extensive powers of the Bundesbank in pre-Euro times…
View ArticleVon: Weichtier
Somehow Mr. Draghi reminds me of John Law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Law_%28economist%29
View ArticleVon: Paweł Łapiński
Ok, I’ll try to act as devil’s advocate (which seems strangely natural, given Draghi’s slightly devilish look). 1. The euro zone, not just the euro itself. Given the recent expansion of ECB’s tasks...
View ArticleVon: Klaus Nolte
The whole fraud is now uncovered by Mr. Draghi himself: He declares that the problems caused by easy central bank money is “a symptom of challenges”. According to Draghi’s world “global excess of...
View ArticleBy: Steven Case
Citing Thomas Hobbes this is a near miss. We are seeing here Leviathan at work. Who elected them? Who controls them? What is their accountability? And most importanly: Who benefits from their actions?...
View ArticleBy: Jessica Lourdes Pearson
1) Who elected them? -National governments that are themselves elected by parliaments that are (suprise!) elected by you and me. 2) Who controls them? -It is a widespread consensus that central banks...
View ArticleBy: Steven Case
A true EU gospel, I suppose? 1.) So who were his competitors in his election. There were none? Got the message. 2.) Your consensus is somewhat broken with the ECB not only financing bankrupt...
View ArticleBy: Jessica Lourdes Pearson
So you basically just don’t like Mr Draghi. Got the message.
View ArticleBy: Steven Case
“So you basically just don’t like Mr Draghi.” Got the message completely wrong. I don’t like systems that put more and more power into ever fewer hands.
View ArticleBy: Jessica Lourdes Pearson
…and for that reason you certainly protested loudly against the extensive powers of the Bundesbank in pre-Euro times…
View ArticleBy: Weichtier
Somehow Mr. Draghi reminds me of John Law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Law_%28economist%29
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